Adaptive Services Grid

The goal of Adaptive Services Grid (ASG) is to develop a proof-of-concept prototype of an open development platform for adaptive services discovery, creation, composition, and enactment. To achieve its goal, ASG addresses scientific and technological issues making use of the knowledge and expertise of major European research institutions with significant contributions from the software, telecommunications, and telematics industry.

ASG provides the integration of its subprojects in the context of an open platform, including tool development by small and medium sized enterprises. Based on semantic specifications of requested services by service customers, ASG discovers appropriate services, composes complex processes and if required generates software to create new application services on demand. Subsequently, application services will be provided through the underlying computational grid infrastructure based on adaptive process enactment technology.

In the proposed project, methods and concepts from software architectures, software development methodologies, Web services composition and workflow process planning and coordination will be complemented by recent results in domain engineering, software generation and Semantic web and agent negotiation research. Impact on a European level is supported by strong industry involvement both with respect to platform development, deployment, and exploitation in the areas of telecommunications and telematics. To this end, ASG makes a difference for the people in the Society since it helps bridging the gap between member states and important candidate states in the areas of telecommunications, telematics, and enterprise IT.

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