The best result in an international competition for early risk prediction on the Internet

Employees of the Department of Information Systems at the Poznań University of Economics, Prof. Agata Filipowska and Oskar Riewe-Perła, took part in the eRisk 2024 competition. The aim of the competition was to develop a system for early recognition of people with anorexia based on their activity on social media platforms.

First place in an international competition in the field of information credibility

A team of scientists from the Department of Information Systems at the Poznań University of Economics and Business took part in the “CheckThat! 2024” organized as part of the international conference CLEF (Conference and Labs of the Evaluation Forum). The goal was to verify the robustness of popular text classification approaches used for credibility assessment problems.

OpenFact is again the most effective in detecting fake news

The National Center for Research and Development has completed the evaluation of the results of the second phase of the INFOSTRATEG program. The evaluation included the results achieved by three competing teams whose task is to develop solutions for detecting fake news using artificial intelligence.

Behavioral modeling – challenges and opportunities

An open lecture titled “BaseModel: introduction to behavioral modeling” took place at the Poznań University of Economics and Business. The lecture was led by Ksawery Smoczyński, Machine Learning Engineer at Synerise BaseModel. It is worth mentioning that Ksawery is a graduate of the Poznań University of Economics and Business and one of the founders of SRG Data Science.

PUEB Open Doors 2024

The PUEB Open Doors 2024 took place in the Main Building of our University. During this event, candidates had the opportunity to talk to current students and lecturers about the courses offered at the Poznań University of Economics and Business. The Institute of Informatics and Quantitative Economics was represented by various departments, including members of our team: Dr. Włodzimierz Lewoniewski, Oskar Riewe-Perła, Aleksandra Wojewoda.

Two third awards of our students in the Eurostat competition “The Web Intelligence – Deduplication Challenge”

Students of our specialization in Informatics and Econometrics – Mikołaj Tym and Jakub Żerebecki (2nd degree, 1st year, speciality: Information Systems for Business and Administration) – took part in the competition “The Web Intelligence – Deduplication Challenge” organized by Eurostat between December 2022 and April 2023 year. The task performed concerned the field of Data Science and natural language processing.

The most cited scientific information sources in Wikipedia articles across various languages

The latest issue of the journal “Biblioteka” published an article on the analysis of citations to scientific works in Wikipedia. The analysis covered 332 million references in 61 million Wikipedia articles in 309 language versions. In order to standardize the metadata of important sources of information on multilingual Wikipedia, data from the OpenAlex, an open catalog of authors and scientific publications, were additionally used. The results of scientific research were … Read More