Panel discussion at the Wikimania 2024 conference (video)

During the international conference Wikimania 2024, a panel discussion entitled “Keynote: Opening the Academia” took place, in which Dr. Włodzimierz Lewoniewski participated. The panel concerned the topic of open science and its various aspects. In particular, the challenges faced by academic institutions that try to implement the principles of open science and the obstacles that hinder these processes were discussed. The role of Wikimedia projects, such as Wikipedia, in the … Read More

Analysis of cryptocurrency exchanges using open data

The work of our scientists on the analysis of digital currency exchanges has been published on the Springer website. As part of the research, models for predicting the success and bankruptcy of cryptocurrency exchanges were developed, based on financial data and information collected from open Internet sources such as Wikipedia and Wikidata. The aim of the work was to identify key aspects that can support the risk analysis process and … Read More

Wikimania 2024: Wikipedia and Wikidata as sources for analyzing Americanization (video)

During the Wikimania 2024 conference, the results of scientific research on measuring Americanization in various regions of the world based on open data from Wikipedia and Wikidata were presented. The conducted research reveals differences in interest in American topics depending on the level of development of countries, offering a new perspective on global cultural dominance. At the same time, the analysis emphasizes the role of Wikipedia and Wikidata as tools … Read More