Presentations at the IwZ’2024 conference

Employees of the Department of Information Systems, Dr. Milena Stróżyna and Prof. Krzysztof Węcel, took part in the 10th Anniversary Scientific Conference on Business Informatics IwZ’2024. The conference topic was “Operational and strategic consequences and management forecasts of the digitalization of business processes”.

In the session “Artificial Intelligence and Strategy, Business Model, Competitive Advantage”, Dr. Milena Stróżyna together with Prof. Krzysztof Węcel presented the results of work conducted together with Dr. Elżbieta Lewańska (all authors from the Department of Information Systems) in developing a chapter for the monograph “Explainable Artificial Intelligence in Developing Sustainable Solutions”, which is to be published by a second-level publisher – Routledge in 2025. The editors of the monograph are Prof. Ewa Ziemba (University of Economics in Katowice), Prof. Wioletta Grzenda (SGH Warsaw School of Economics) and Prof. Michał Ramsza (SGH Warsaw School of Economics). The chapter entitled “Artificial Intelligence for Explaining Credibility of Information” is an overview of methods that allow for understanding the answers returned by artificial intelligence models in the context of assessing the credibility of information, from the selection of the training set to explaining complex answers. This issue is important because it allows for increased trust in artificial intelligence models in supporting management decisions.

In the session “Digital transformation – economic, social and legal challenges”, Prof. Krzysztof Węcel together with Prof. Dorota Jelonek from Częstochowa University of Technology presented a work entitled “Economic informatics in the research space of management and quality sciences, as well as economics and finances”. The third author was prof. dr hab. Jerzy Gołuchowski from the University of Economics in Katowice. It was the voice of the Scientific Society of Business Informatics (Polish abbr. “NTIE”) on the classification of works in business informatics within the above-mentioned sciences. The methodology included the use of the GPT-4o model to analyze the content of doctoral theses, habilitation and professorial applications. The results presented at the conference included 200 doctoral theses in the field of management and quality sciences and 200 in economics and finances, which after defense are available within the RADON system.

The 10th Anniversary Scientific Conference on Business Informatics (IwZ’2024) was held on November 28-29, 2024 at the SGH Warsaw School of Economics. Event website: