Dr. Krzysztof Węcel received the award for the best paper in the Wikipedia Citations and Reference Challenge on September 15, 2016, as part of the DBpedia Community Meeting organized at the SEMANTiCS2016 conference in Leipzig. The materials for the presentation entitled “(Not only) Polish citations – analysis, comparison, directions” were largely collected during the summer student internships organized by the Department of Information Systems under the Pro-Quality Grant. Apart from the presentation, the works involved mgr Włodzimierz Lewoniewski and Paweł Sobociński. Lewoniewski is a PhD student at the Department of Information Systems and is preparing a doctoral dissertation in the field of information quality. Paweł Sobociński, in turn, is a second-year student of Computer Science in Economy and Administration, a student internship participant. The infrastructure purchased under the InnoUEP project was used to collect data and conduct analyzes.