During the ceremonial doctoral and habilitation promotion at the Poznań University of Economics and Business, Dr. Dominik Filipiak received a Ph.D. diploma in economics. His doctoral thesis entitled “Exploring features of paintings for modelling preferences of buyers on the Polish art market” was defended with distinction on October 17, 2022. Thesis supervisor: Prof. Witold Abramowicz, auxiliary supervisor: Prof. Agata Filipowska.
The aim of the doctoral thesis was to examine the features of paintings in terms of modeling preferences of buyers on the Polish art market. As part of the work, a data set was prepared to allow for the required experiments and a method was developed to obtain information about the colors contained in the image. An evaluation of methods for obtaining information about color-related features was also carried out using data from the Polish art market. Then, the features of paintings that are important from the point of view of preferences of buyers on the Polish art market were determined, and the price determinants of paintings on the Polish art market were determined.
The ceremonial doctoral and habilitation promotion took place in the PUEB Auditorium on October 27, 2023.