Best Paper Award for DIS Team

The Department of Information Systems team, composed by Witold Abramowicz, Monika Kaczmarek, Dominik Zyskowski was awarded for the article ‘Duality in Web services Reliability’, which was published in 2006 at the International Conference on Internet and Web Applications and Services (ICIW 2006).

DIS staff publication received award in the category ‘The best paper in software services to an international conference with high impact factor on the community’. The prize was awarded by a panel of experts gathered around SPRERS EU project, which aims to promote scientific research in the countries of the so-called New European Union.

The experts made a choice among all conference publications in the field of software services within the years 2004-2010 written by scientists from the New EU countries. Criteria for final evaluation were: number of citations of articles (without autocitations), the prestige of the conference and the impact of the article on the scientific community centered around a theme software services.
DIS team award.