The 10th International Scientific Conference “Knowledge and Information Technologies in Creating Entrepreneurship” and the 5th Congress of Business Informatics were held on October 5-6, 2023. During this event, representatives of our Department presented research results on assessing the quality of student essays written by ChatGPT. This year’s edition of the conference and congress was held in a hybrid mode (onsite in Olsztyn near Częstochowa and remotely). The organizers of these events are the the Scientific Society of Economic Informatics (NTIE) and the Department of Information Management Systems at the Faculty of Management of the Częstochowa University of Technology.
Writing student essays using ChatGPT can lead to various problems. For example, the use of automatic text generation tools may impair students’ critical thinking skills and their ability to formulate arguments on their own. Additionally, essays produced by language models may not reflect a student’s true understanding of the topic. Furthermore, there is a risk that such works will have a uniform tone and lack individual character.
Presentation entitled “Assessment of the quality of student essays written by ChatGPT” was presented by Prof. Witold Abramowicz, Prof. Krzysztof Węcel, Dr. Milena Stróżyna as part of the session “Artificial intelligence from the perspective of science and teaching”. More information about the conference can be found on the website: konferencja.czest.pl.
This research is supported by the project “OpenFact – artificial intelligence tools for verification of the veracity of information sources and fake news detection” (INFOSTRATEG-I/0035/2021-00), granted within the INFOSTRATEG I program of the National Center for Research and Development, under the topic: Verifying information sources and detecting fake news.