Behavioral modeling – challenges and opportunities

An open lecture titled “BaseModel: introduction to behavioral modeling” took place at the Poznań University of Economics and Business. The lecture was led by Ksawery Smoczyński, Machine Learning Engineer at Synerise BaseModel. It is worth mentioning that Ksawery is a graduate of the Poznań University of Economics and Business and one of the founders of SRG Data Science.

Data analysis and visualization using Business Intelligence tools

In today’s rapidly changing data-driven economy, understanding modern analytical tools and the ability to adapt to innovative technologies such as GenAI is crucial to developing competitive competencies, achieving market advantage and providing important decision-making information across industries. The open lecture led by Ihor Muzyka, Head of Analytics at the Żabka Group, was an opportunity to learn more about how the choice of role and position affects the development of a … Read More

Real or fake news? How not to get scammed on the Internet

During the 26th Poznań Science and Art Festival, members of our Department conducted a lecture on recognizing false information on the Internet. Participants had the opportunity to ask questions and share their experiences, which further enriched the discussion and made the event not only educational, but also interactive.

Lectures and workshops during the ENIGMA Metropolitan Science Festival

Members of the Department of Information Systems conducted lectures and workshops during the five editions of the ENIGMA Metropolitan Science Festival. Over 1,000 students from various schools in Poznań and Szamotuły took part in the events. The materials presented during the Festival included issues related to the scientific research of our Department in the field of automatic identification of fake news on the Internet, assessment of the quality of information … Read More

Researchers’ Night 2019

During the Researchers’ Night, which took place on 27 September 2019, the employees of the Department of Information Systems conducted a workshops entitled “Wikipedia: how to find the necessary information with the highest quality?” (Dr. Włodzimierz Lewoniewski) and “How does artificial intelligence work?” (Piotr Kałużny, MSc.). The Researchers’ Night is an event taking place all over Europe. This year in Poznań, seven scientific institutions took part in the event, including … Read More

Researchers’ Night 2017

As a part of the Researchers’ Night, which took place on September 29, 2017, scientists from the Department of Information Systems organized workshops “WHAT DO YOU THINK? GUIDE FOR SMALL PROGRAMMERS “(MSc. Piotr Kałużny, Dr. Bartosz Perkowski) for children aged 8 to 12 and “WHAT DO YOU THINK? INTERNET WITHOUT SECRETS” (Dr. Agnieszka Figiel, MSc. Agata Szyszko, MSc. Włodzimierz Lewoniewski) for people over 15 years old. Researchers’ Night is an … Read More

Lecture on the quality of Wikipedia in High School No. 12 in Poznań

On May 31, 2017 Włodzimierz Lewoniewski provided lectures and workshops for pupils of the High School no 12 in Poznań as part of the Infizmania project. The topic focused on the quality of information on Wikipedia in various languages. During the lectures pupils learned about the development and popularity of Wikipedia, its important principles, and the comparison with traditional encyclopaedias (such as Encyclopedia Britannica, Great PWN Encyclopedia, Great Soviet Encyclopedia). … Read More