Bartosz Perkowski participated in the JURIX2011 conference (Legal Knowledge and Information Systems). The conference took place on December 14-16 in Vienna, Austria. During the conference, he presented paper “System for Detection of Illegal Drugs E-Trading” written by DIS members: Witold Abramowicz, Piotr Stolarski, Agata Filipowska, Bartosz Perkowski and Krzysztof Węcel.
Tag: conferences
BIR 2011 Conference
Jacek Małyszko participated in the BIR2011 conference (Perspectives in Business Informatics Reseach). The conference took place on October 6-8 in Riga, Latvia. During the conference, he presented paper “Discovering of Users’ Interests Evolution Patterns for Learning Goals Recommendation” written by DIS members: Witold Abramowicz, Jacek Małyszko and Dawid Węckowski.
International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Jakub Dzikowski participated in the ICEIS2011 conference (International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems). The conference took place on June, 8-11 in Beijing, China. During the conference, he presented the paper “Web Interface for Semantically Enabled Experts Finding System” written by DIS members: Witold Abramowicz, Elżbieta Bukowska, Jakub Dzikowski, Agata Filipowska and Monika Kaczmarek.
ICEIS 2011 conference
Paper “Web Interface for Semantically Enabled Experts Finding Systems” written by DIS members: Witold Abramowicz, Elżbieta Bukowska, Jakub Dzikowski, Agata Filipowska, Monika Kaczmarek, has been accepted to the ICEIS 2011 conference (The 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems), 8-11 June 2011, Beijing, China.
eKnow2011 conference
Elżbieta Bukowska participated in the eKnow2011 conference (The Third International Conference on Information, Process, and Knowledge Management), that took place on February 23-28, 2011 – Gosier, Guadeloupe, France. During the conference she presented paper “Semantic-enabled Efficient and Scalable Retrieval of Experts” written by DIS members: Witold Abramowicz, Elżbieta Bukowska, Monika Kaczmarek, Monika Starzecka.
Best Paper Award for DIS Team
The Department of Information Systems team, composed by Witold Abramowicz, Monika Kaczmarek, Dominik Zyskowski was awarded for the article ‘Duality in Web services Reliability’, which was published in 2006 at the International Conference on Internet and Web Applications and Services (ICIW 2006). DIS staff publication received award in the category ‘The best paper in software services to an international conference with high impact factor on the community’. The prize was … Read More
eKnow2011 conference
Paper “Semantic-enabled Efficient and Scalable Retrieval of Experts” written by DIS members: Witold Abramowicz, Elżbieta Bukowska, Monika Kaczmarek, Monika Starzecka has been accepted to the eKnow2011 conference (The Third International Conference on Information, Process, and Knowledge Management). eKnow conference is a part of the IARIA DigitalWorld conference (February 23-28, 2011 – Gosier, Guadeloupe, France).