Scientific seminar by Ewelina Księżniak on content authorship verification in the context of fake news dissemination

At the Poznań University of Economics and Business, an open scientific seminar organized by the Institute of Informatics and Quantitative Economics took place, entitled “Issues in Content Authorship Verification in the Context of Fake News Dissemination”. During the seminar, Ewelina Księżniak discussed topics related to stylometric methods for lie detection, encoding stylometric features using Transformer models, author profiling, and individuals’ susceptibility to fake news.

Supporting fact-checking process with IT tools

A research paper entitled “Supporting fact-checking process with IT tools” has been published under open access. The study presents a detailed analysis of the fact-checking process, based on a literature review and interviews with organizations specializing in this field. This combined theoretical knowledge with practical experiences of experts, which allowed to identify research gaps and challenges in current information verification methods.

Presentations at the IwZ’2024 conference

Employees of the Department of Information Systems, Dr. Milena Stróżyna and Prof. Krzysztof Węcel, took part in the 10th Anniversary Scientific Conference on Business Informatics IwZ’2024. The conference topic was “Operational and strategic consequences and management forecasts of the digitalization of business processes”.

Exploring the Challenges and Potential of Generative AI

A scientific article titled “Exploring the Challenges and Potential of Generative AI: Insights from an Empirical Study” has been published under open access. As part of this work, an experiment was conducted to examine to what extent content generated by GenAI can be considered reliable (i.e., free of false information) and how easily GenAI can be manipulated into producing misinformation.

Semantic mapping of disinformation: identifying fake news topics

The scientific article of our Department’s employees entitled “Sentence Embeddings and Semantic Entity Extraction for Identification of Topics of Short Fact-Checked Claims” has been published in open access. The paper describes an approach to assigning topics to claims verified by fact-checking agencies.

SRG Data Science: inaugural meeting 2024/2025

The inaugural meeting of the Student Research Group “Data Science” in the academic year 2024/2025 was held at the Poznań University of Economics and Business. During the meeting, the planned activities of the SRG Data Science and proposals for areas of activity in the coming months were discussed. Additionally, employees of our Department presented the opportunities and challenges related to data analysis in various areas.

New head of the Department of Information Systems

On October 4, 2024, a meeting of the staff of the Department of Information Systems at the Poznań University of Economics and Business took place. The meeting was led by Prof. Krzysztof Węcel, the new head of the Department, who was appointed to this position on October 1, 2024. The meeting was dedicated to presenting and discussing the Department’s strategy for the upcoming academic year in connection with the new … Read More

Presentations at the KES 2024 conference

During the 28th International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems (KES 2024), Dr. Włodzimierz Lewoniewski presented a paper entitled “Exploring the Challenges and Potential of Generative AI: Insights from an Empirical Study” and a paper entitled “Supporting fact-checking process with IT tools”. The conference was held on September 11-13, 2024 in hybrid mode.

OpenFact at CLEF 2024

On September 9-12, 2024, scientists from the Department of Information Systems presented their works at the CLEF 2024 conference, which took place in Grenoble (France). This was the 25th edition of the CLEF (Conference and Labs of the Evaluation Forum), a key event in the field of information and language technologies, focusing on the evaluation of information systems. Thanks to a variety of test tasks, participants can compare and improve … Read More

Continued achievements in the global information verification competition

In 2024, scientists from the Department of Information Systems participated for the second time in the CheckThat! competition, part of the international CLEF conference, focused on identifying check-worthy texts. Leveraging transformer-based language models and cross-linguistic transfer learning techniques, the team secured two second-place rankings for English and Arabic submissions.