Speech at the Wikimania 2019

An international Wikimania conference was held in Stockholm, Sweden, from 14-18 August, with about 800 participants. During the conference, Dr. Włodzimierz Lewoniewski delivered a research “Multilingual Ranking of Wikipedia Articles with Quality and Popularity Assessment“. Wikimania is an annual conference celebrating all free knowledge projects run by the Wikimedia Foundation – Commons, MediaWiki, Meta-Wiki, Wikibooks, Wikidata, Wikinews, Wikipedia, Wikiquote, Wikisource, Wikispecies, Wikiversity, Wikivoyage, Wiktionary – with three-day conferences, discussions, meetings, … Read More

Presentation of scientific research on enrichment of information during Wikimedia CEE Meeting 2018

On October 13-15, in Lviv, Ukraine, a conference of the Wikipedia community and other Wikimedia projects of the Central and Eastern Europe region (Wikimedia CEE Meeting 2018) took place. During the conference were presented scientific works of the Department of Informations Systems on the evaluation of the quality of articles and the enrichment of information in the multilingual Wikipedia. The main goal of the meetings is to promote, support and … Read More

Participation in the international conference ICIST 2018 in Vilnius

On 4-6 October in Vilnius an international conference ICIST 2018 took place, during which papers „Application of SEO Metrics to Determine the Quality of Wikipedia Articles and Their Sources” and „Determining Quality of Articles in Polish Wikipedia Based on Linguistic Features” were presented. This is the 24th International Conference on Information and Software Technologies. The ICIST Conference is hosted by the biggest technical university in the Baltic States – Kaunas … Read More

Wikimania 2018 – the most important findings of the year

On July 18-22 Wikimania 2018 conference took place, during which the results of the most important findings of Wikipedia and other Wikimedia projects for the last year were presented. In particular, the research of scientists from the Poznań University of Economics and Business has been presented – “Relative Quality and Popularity Evaluation of Multilingual Wikipedia Articles” (authors: Włodzimierz Lewoniewski, Krzysztof Węcel, Witold Abramowicz). The research concerns the automatic evaluation of … Read More

Best Paper Award at ICIST 2017 Conference

On October 14th, Włodzimierz Lewoniewski received the Best Paper Award at the 23rd International Conference on Information and Software Technologies (ICIST 2017). The paper “Analysis of References Across Wikipedia Languages” was prepared together with Dr. Krzysztof Węcel and Prof. Witold Abramowicz. MSc. Lewoniewski is a PhD student at the Department of Information Systems and works on his doctoral thesis related to the comparing and enriching of information in various language … Read More

Lecture on the quality of Wikipedia in High School No. 12 in Poznań

On May 31, 2017 Włodzimierz Lewoniewski provided lectures and workshops for pupils of the High School no 12 in Poznań as part of the Infizmania project. The topic focused on the quality of information on Wikipedia in various languages. During the lectures pupils learned about the development and popularity of Wikipedia, its important principles, and the comparison with traditional encyclopaedias (such as Encyclopedia Britannica, Great PWN Encyclopedia, Great Soviet Encyclopedia). … Read More

Wikipedia References & Citations challenge

Dr. Krzysztof Węcel received the award for the best paper in the Wikipedia Citations and Reference Challenge on September 15, 2016, as part of the DBpedia Community Meeting organized at the SEMANTiCS2016 conference in Leipzig. The materials for the presentation entitled “(Not only) Polish citations – analysis, comparison, directions” were largely collected during the summer student internships organized by the Department of Information Systems under the Pro-Quality Grant. Apart from … Read More