On 15 April 2015 at the Westin Hotel in Warsaw the Grand Gala BIG DATA: THINK BIG CEE CONGRESS took place. The the competition individuals, who have significantly contributed to the development of technology related to Big Data in Poland, have been awarded. The awards were given in several categories for achievements in 2014. Department of Information Systems is the winner of the award in two categories. SmartBRAIN (Smart and … Read More
Category: News
Insemtives – project meeting
Agata Filipowska, Monika Kaczmarek and Jakub Dzikowski participated in Insemtives project meeting, Folgaria, Italy, February 8-10. Insemtives is a 7FP collaborative project, coordinated by STI Innsbruck.
eKnow2012 conference
Szymon Łazaruk participated in the eKnow2012 conference (The Fourth International Conference on Information, Process, and Knowledge Management), that took place on January 30 – February 3, 2012 – Valencia, Spain. During the conference he presented paper “Taste It! Try It! – A Semantic Web Mobile Review Application” written by DIS members: Monika Kaczmarek, Agata Filipowska, Jakub Dzikowski, Szymon Łazaruk, and Witold Abramowicz.
Award in the Best Master Thesis Contest
Dawid Grzegorz Węckowski, MSc. won the 3rd prise in the 17th edition of the Best Master Thesis Contest for papers written and defended in academic year 2009/2010. The contest was organised by Poznan University of Economics Foundation, and the monetary award was sponsored by F5 Konsulting Sp.z o.o. The gala with presenting the awards was held on 16th February 2012 as a part of the 4th Days of Poznan University … Read More
TIAPISZ 2011 conference
Jakub Dzikowski and Bartosz Perkowski participated in the TIAPISZ2011 (Technologie Informacyjne w Administracji i Służbie Zdrowia). The conference took place on December 8 in Warsaw, Poland. During the conference, they presented papers: “Architektura systemu wykrywania zagrożeń w cyberprzestrzeni” written by: Tomasz Kaczmarek and Jakub Dzikowski, and “Ewolucja modeli danych na przykładzie aktualizacji profili zagrożeń w systemie Semantyczny Monitoring Cyberprzestrzeni” written by: Piotr Stolarski, Krzysztof Węcel, Bartosz Perkowski, Agata Filipowska, Witold … Read More
JURIX 2011 conference
Bartosz Perkowski participated in the JURIX2011 conference (Legal Knowledge and Information Systems). The conference took place on December 14-16 in Vienna, Austria. During the conference, he presented paper “System for Detection of Illegal Drugs E-Trading” written by DIS members: Witold Abramowicz, Piotr Stolarski, Agata Filipowska, Bartosz Perkowski and Krzysztof Węcel.
Bachelor Winter School on Business Process Management
Business processes are everywhere. Tasks such as booking an airline ticket online, developing a new product, or treating a patient can be viewed as processes crossing organizational and technological boundaries. The improvement of end-to-end processes is one of the top priorities of today’s CIOs. Consequently, Business Process Management (BPM) has become a widely appreciated approach for the analysis and design of organizations and information systems. The BPM Winter School is … Read More
BIR 2011 Conference
Jacek Małyszko participated in the BIR2011 conference (Perspectives in Business Informatics Reseach). The conference took place on October 6-8 in Riga, Latvia. During the conference, he presented paper “Discovering of Users’ Interests Evolution Patterns for Learning Goals Recommendation” written by DIS members: Witold Abramowicz, Jacek Małyszko and Dawid Węckowski.
International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Jakub Dzikowski participated in the ICEIS2011 conference (International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems). The conference took place on June, 8-11 in Beijing, China. During the conference, he presented the paper “Web Interface for Semantically Enabled Experts Finding System” written by DIS members: Witold Abramowicz, Elżbieta Bukowska, Jakub Dzikowski, Agata Filipowska and Monika Kaczmarek.
Kantara Initiative Meeting
Jacek Małyszko participated in Kantara Initiative Meeting in Berlin, May 16-18. Kantara Initiative is a point of collaboration concernint shaping the future of Digital Identity, a topic closely related to Ego – Virtual Identity project.