Two third awards of our students in the Eurostat competition “The Web Intelligence – Deduplication Challenge”

Students of our specialization in Informatics and Econometrics – Mikołaj Tym and Jakub Żerebecki (2nd degree, 1st year, speciality: Information Systems for Business and Administration) – took part in the competition “The Web Intelligence – Deduplication Challenge” organized by Eurostat between December 2022 and April 2023 year. The task performed concerned the field of Data Science and natural language processing.

Workshops on generative artificial intelligence with experts from Microsoft and Żabka Group

Representatives of SRG Data Science took part in the “AI School” workshops for students, organized by Microsoft and Żabka Group. This meeting was an excellent opportunity to learn about the world of generative artificial intelligence. The classes consisted of two parts: theoretical and practical.