HANSA Project meeting in Oldenburg

On 12-13 February 2019 representatives of the Department of Economic Informatics: prof. Witold Abramowicz, Dr. Milena Stróżyna and Dr. Krzysztof Węcel participated in the HANSA project meeting in in Oldenburg (Germany). The meeting was attended by representatives of all HANSA consortium members: OFFIS e.V. (Germany), Sprint SA (Poland), NAVTOR AS (Norway) and In-innovative navigation GmbH (Germany). The host of the meeting was OFFIS, who in addition to the meeting itself, … Read More

The award for the most innovative article at the NATCON 2018 Conference

On the 25-27 June 2018 Dominik Filipiak and Milena Stróżyna participated in the 8th International Tech-Science Conference NATCON “Naval Technologies for Defence and Security”, in Gdańsk. The Conference was organized by the Polish Naval Academy and the International Gdańsk Fair. The article prepared for the Conference “Big Data for Anomaly Detection in Maritime. Surveillance: Spatial AIS Data Analysis for Tankers “, whose authors are: Dominik Filipiak, Milena Stróżyna, Dr. Krzysztof … Read More

Dominik Filipiak and Milena Stróżyna participated in the NATO conference in Bordeaux

On the 30 May – 1 June 2018 Dominik Filipiak and Milena Stróżyna participated in the conference IST-160 Speciailsts’ Meeting Big Data & Artificial Intelligence for Military Decision Making in Bordeaux (France). The conference was organized by the NATO Information Systems and Technology Panel. During the conference, the research article entitled “Anomaly Detection in the Maritime Domain: Comparison of Traditional and Big Data Approach” was presented. The article was prepared … Read More