First place in the international competition CLEF-2023 CheckThat! Lab

The OpenFact project team took part in the CheckThat! organized as part of the international conference CLEF 2023 (Conference and Labs of the Evaluation Forum). The method proposed by our scientists took first place. This method detects English sentences that need to be reviewed because of potential misleading and therefore are worth fact-checking.

Companies in Multilingual Wikipedia: Articles Quality and Important Sources of Information

The scientific work of members of our Department was published in the monograph “Information Technology for Management: Approaches to Improving Business and Society” published by the Springer. The research concerns the automatic assessment of the quality of Wikipedia articles and the reliability of sources of information about companies in different languages.

The highest score for the OpenFact project

The OpenFact project is run by the team of our Department in cooperation with technological and substantive partners, including: Google, Facebook, Bright Data, Harvard University, as well as leading fact-checking organizations in Poland. During the evaluation of the first phase of the INFOSTRATEG program of the National Center for Research and Development, in the field of fake news detection using artificial intelligence, the OpenFact project received the highest number of … Read More

Data analysis in the maritime domain

Poznań University of Economics and Business Press has published a book “Data analysis in the maritime domain“. The book summarizes many years’ research of the DIS team in the maritime domain, which were realized within the completed projects (SIMMO I and HANSA) as well as individual research. Authors of the book: Milena Stróżyna, Witold Abramowicz, Krzysztof Węcel, Jacek Małyszko and Dominik Filipiak.

Identifying Reliable Sources of Information about Companies in Multilingual Wikipedia

The IEEE published a paper on the automatic identification of reliable sources of information about companies in the multilingual Wikipedia. The information source assessment models presented in the publication can help Internet users find valuable sources of information about companies using open data from Wikipedia, DBpedia and Wikidata.

Supporting the fact-checking process in combating fake news

During the 9th of the National Scientific Conference “Knowledge and information technologies in creating entrepreneurship” (WiTIwKP), representatives of our Department presented the SocialScan tool supporting the verification of credibility of information on social networks. This year’s edition of the conference was held on October 6-7 in a hybrid mode (stationary in Olsztyn near Częstochowa and remotely).

Can social media defend against fake news?

During the eleventh edition of the Professor Zbigniew Czerwiński National Scientific Conference “Mathematics and IT at the services of economics” (MIUE 2022), a lecture entitled “Can social media defend against fake news?” was delivered. The presentation cointained department’s research on the detection of fake news using artificial intelligence methods. This year’s edition of the MIUE conference was held on September 16 remotely.

Reliability in time: assessing the web sources of information on COVID-19 across different language chapters of Wikipedia from the beginning of the pandemic

During the international conference “The Web Conference” (formerly – WWW conference), a forum bringing together researchers exploring all aspects of Wikipedia and other Wikimedia projects was held – Wiki Workshop 2022. As part of this event, the results of our department’s research in the area of reliability assessment of web sources information in Wikipedia on the COVID-19 pandemic in various months and in different language versions were presented.

Piotr Kałużny received PhD with distinction

By the decision of the Office of Academic Advancement Board of the University of Economics in Poznań of January 14, 2022, our employee Piotr Kałużny was awarded a doctoral degree in the discipline of “economics and finance”. At the same time, the Office of Academic Advancement Board, supporting the proposal of the Doctoral Committee awarded the doctoral dissertation with distinction.