MSc Piotr Kałużny presentation at the international conference BigSurv18

On the 25-17th October 2018 our PhD Candidate MSc Piotr Kałużny participated in international conference BigSurv18 – „Big Data meets Survey Science”, organized by the European Survey Research Association (ESRA). Conference was held in Expertise Center in Survey Methodology (RECSM) in Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain. His participation in the conference was possible due winning the “travel award” stipend, which we warmy congratulate. The prize has been awarded based on … Read More

Presentation of scientific research on enrichment of information during Wikimedia CEE Meeting 2018

On October 13-15, in Lviv, Ukraine, a conference of the Wikipedia community and other Wikimedia projects of the Central and Eastern Europe region (Wikimedia CEE Meeting 2018) took place. During the conference were presented scientific works of the Department of Informations Systems on the evaluation of the quality of articles and the enrichment of information in the multilingual Wikipedia. The main goal of the meetings is to promote, support and … Read More

MSc Piotr Kałużny participation in the Polish conference “Knowledge and ICT in entrepreneurship creation”

On the 11-12th October 2018 our PhD Candidate MSc Piotr Kałużny participated in the 6h Polish conference “Knowledge and ICT in entrepreneurship creation” held in Olszyn near Częstochowa, affiliated with the polish “Scientific Society for Information Systems” (NTIE) and organized by the Department of Information Systems from the Faculty of Management of the Czestochowa University of Technology and the Department of Business Intelligence in Management from the Faculity of Management, … Read More

Participation in the international conference ICIST 2018 in Vilnius

On 4-6 October in Vilnius an international conference ICIST 2018 took place, during which papers „Application of SEO Metrics to Determine the Quality of Wikipedia Articles and Their Sources” and „Determining Quality of Articles in Polish Wikipedia Based on Linguistic Features” were presented. This is the 24th International Conference on Information and Software Technologies. The ICIST Conference is hosted by the biggest technical university in the Baltic States – Kaunas … Read More

Best Paper Award at ISWC 2018 Conference

On the 8 to 12 October 2018 in Monterey (CA) the 17th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2018) took place. Szymon Wieczorek, a student collaborating with the Department of Information Systems, partaken in the conference on behalf of our university. During the conference, the article ”Semantic Image-Based Profiling of Users’ Interests with Neural Networks”, whose authors are Szymon Wieczorek, Dominik Filipiak and dr Agata Filipowska, was presented. The article was … Read More

Researchers’ Night 2018

28th September 2018, scientists from our department: Dr. Bartosz Perkowski and Piotr Kałużny, MSc., as an every year tradition, have organized classes during the “Researchers’ Night”. This time the topic of their lectures however was different, because it was oriented on a very serious topic “How Artificial Intelligence works” and was very popular among the participants. There was a multitude of questions to our scientists about the prepared topic, which … Read More

QOD 2018 – the first international workshop on quality of open data

On 20 July 2018 the first workshop on Quality of Open Data (QOD 2018) was organized. It took place during the 21st edition of the Business Information Systems Conference (BIS 2018) at the Fraunhofer Institute for Open Communication Systems FOKUS in Berlin. The aim of the workshop was to gather a community dealing with the subject of information quality in portals like Wikipedia, DBpedia, Wikidata and other open knowledge bases. … Read More

BSCT 2018 – the first international workshop on blockchain

On 19-20 July 2018 the first workshop on Blockchain and Smart Contract Technologies (BSCT 2018) was held. The workshop was organized during the 21st edition of the Business Information Systems Conference at the Fraunhofer Institute for Open Communication Systems FOKUS in Berlin. The introduction of the bitcoin protocol in 2008 was a landmark event that initiated a new era of decentralization in information systems. After a ten-year incubation period, blockchain … Read More

The award for the most innovative article at the NATCON 2018 Conference

On the 25-27 June 2018 Dominik Filipiak and Milena Stróżyna participated in the 8th International Tech-Science Conference NATCON “Naval Technologies for Defence and Security”, in Gdańsk. The Conference was organized by the Polish Naval Academy and the International Gdańsk Fair. The article prepared for the Conference “Big Data for Anomaly Detection in Maritime. Surveillance: Spatial AIS Data Analysis for Tankers “, whose authors are: Dominik Filipiak, Milena Stróżyna, Dr. Krzysztof … Read More

Wikimania 2018 – the most important findings of the year

On July 18-22 Wikimania 2018 conference took place, during which the results of the most important findings of Wikipedia and other Wikimedia projects for the last year were presented. In particular, the research of scientists from the Poznań University of Economics and Business has been presented – “Relative Quality and Popularity Evaluation of Multilingual Wikipedia Articles” (authors: Włodzimierz Lewoniewski, Krzysztof Węcel, Witold Abramowicz). The research concerns the automatic evaluation of … Read More