Dominik Filipiak and Milena Stróżyna participated in the NATO conference in Bordeaux

On the 30 May – 1 June 2018 Dominik Filipiak and Milena Stróżyna participated in the conference IST-160 Speciailsts’ Meeting Big Data & Artificial Intelligence for Military Decision Making in Bordeaux (France). The conference was organized by the NATO Information Systems and Technology Panel. During the conference, the research article entitled “Anomaly Detection in the Maritime Domain: Comparison of Traditional and Big Data Approach” was presented. The article was prepared … Read More

Award at the INTERSTUDENT 2018 competition

On January 29th, at the Silesian University of Technology in Gliwice were announced results of the competition for the best foreign student in Poland – INTERSTUDENT 2018. Doctoral student of our department, Włodzimierz Lewoniewski, received an award for the best international PhD student in Poland. The supervisor of the doctoral dissertation is Prof. Witold Abramowicz, auxiliary supervisor is Dr. Krzysztof Węcel. The main prizes of the INTERSTUDENT competition are awarded … Read More

The visit of scientists from the University of Potsdam

On November 28, 2017, a scientific seminar related to the visit of scientists from the University of Potsdam took place in the Department of Information Systems. The meeting was attended by the following guests: Prof. Maik Heinemann (Dean of the Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences ), Dr. habil. Henning Bordihn (Department of Computer Science) and Teresa Rodriguez (Division of Planning, Statistics, Research and Organization: EU Programs). Faculty of Informatics … Read More

PyData Warsaw 2017 Conference

Between 19th and 20th of October, group of our students from the Faculty of Informatics and Electronic Economy, benefactors of the apprenticeship program led by our Department of Information Systems participated in the international data analysis PyData conference. Among the happy participants were: Dawid Bodych Filip Grzebalski Katarzyna Kabzińska Aleksandra Kasprzak Mateusz Orlikowski Joanna Sobkowiak Szymon Wieczorek Magdalena Wieloch Our PhD student MSc. Piotr Kałużny was supervising them on their … Read More

Best Paper Award at ICIST 2017 Conference

On October 14th, Włodzimierz Lewoniewski received the Best Paper Award at the 23rd International Conference on Information and Software Technologies (ICIST 2017). The paper “Analysis of References Across Wikipedia Languages” was prepared together with Dr. Krzysztof Węcel and Prof. Witold Abramowicz. MSc. Lewoniewski is a PhD student at the Department of Information Systems and works on his doctoral thesis related to the comparing and enriching of information in various language … Read More

Researchers’ Night 2017

As a part of the Researchers’ Night, which took place on September 29, 2017, scientists from the Department of Information Systems organized workshops “WHAT DO YOU THINK? GUIDE FOR SMALL PROGRAMMERS “(MSc. Piotr Kałużny, Dr. Bartosz Perkowski) for children aged 8 to 12 and “WHAT DO YOU THINK? INTERNET WITHOUT SECRETS” (Dr. Agnieszka Figiel, MSc. Agata Szyszko, MSc. Włodzimierz Lewoniewski) for people over 15 years old. Researchers’ Night is an … Read More

Lecture on the quality of Wikipedia in High School No. 12 in Poznań

On May 31, 2017 Włodzimierz Lewoniewski provided lectures and workshops for pupils of the High School no 12 in Poznań as part of the Infizmania project. The topic focused on the quality of information on Wikipedia in various languages. During the lectures pupils learned about the development and popularity of Wikipedia, its important principles, and the comparison with traditional encyclopaedias (such as Encyclopedia Britannica, Great PWN Encyclopedia, Great Soviet Encyclopedia). … Read More

Piotr Jankowiak, Piotr Kałużny i Dr. Bartosz Perkowski participated in NetMob 2017 conference

Between 5th and 7th April two second year students of master studies with specialization in Information Systems at the Faculty of Informatics and Electronic Economy: Piotr Jankowiak and Piotr Kałużny had the opportunity to attend an international scientific conference in Milan. Together with Dr. Bartosz Perkowski from the Department of Information Systems, they took part in this year’s edition of NetMob. NetMob is the biggest in the world scientific conference … Read More