Dr. Eng. Anna Lamek from 03.01.2017 to 13.01.2017 gave an invited lectures entitled “Production Engineering 1” (40 hours) and “Production Engineering 2” (40 hours) at the North China University of Science and Technology in Tangshan (Hebei Province), China. During her stay students had also an opportunity to accomplish an engineering project concerning application of Information Systems to manufacturing management.
Lectures by Dr. Eng. Anna Lamek at the North China University of Science and Technology
Prof. Witold Abramowicz and Dr. Agata Filipowska participated in the fifth edition of Big Data Congress
On the 22 – 23 November 2016, the fifth edition of the Big Data Congress took place, in which the Honorary Chairman of the Program Council is Prof. Witold Abramowicz. The Congress is attended by all significant suppliers of products and services concerning Big Data. In the current edition, there were approximately 650 participants. Once again, the moderator of the acclaimed panel of experts was Dr. Agata Filipowska from the … Read More
Speech by prof. dr. Witold Abramowicz during the plenary session of the Committee of Economic Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Prof. Witold Abramowicz on 15 November 2016, at the invitation of the Chairman of the Committee of Economic Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences, took part in the plenary session, in which, together with prof. Krzysztof Jajuga led the discussion on “Big Data in the economy”.
Elżbieta Lewańska and Bartosz Perkowski received PhD
Elżbieta Lewańska and Bartosz Perkowski received PhD in economics on 7th of October. Heartiest congratulations and best wishes for continued success from the whole Department team!
Wikipedia References & Citations challenge
Dr. Krzysztof Węcel received the award for the best paper in the Wikipedia Citations and Reference Challenge on September 15, 2016, as part of the DBpedia Community Meeting organized at the SEMANTiCS2016 conference in Leipzig. The materials for the presentation entitled “(Not only) Polish citations – analysis, comparison, directions” were largely collected during the summer student internships organized by the Department of Information Systems under the Pro-Quality Grant. Apart from … Read More
Lecture on Wikipedia quality in Konin
On April 4, 2016, at the Stefan Batory Continuing Education Center School Complex in Konin, an open lecture entitled “Information quality in national versions of Wikipedia” was held. The lecture was conducted by Włodzimierz Lewoniewski.
Jacek Małyszko received PhD with distinction proposal
Jacek Małyszko received PhD with distinction proposal in economics on 9th of July. Heartiest congratulations and best wishes for continued success from the whole Department team!
Awards for DIS in Big Data: Think BIG CEE Congress
On 15 April 2015 at the Westin Hotel in Warsaw the Grand Gala BIG DATA: THINK BIG CEE CONGRESS took place. The the competition individuals, who have significantly contributed to the development of technology related to Big Data in Poland, have been awarded. The awards were given in several categories for achievements in 2014. Department of Information Systems is the winner of the award in two categories. SmartBRAIN (Smart and … Read More
Insemtives – project meeting
Agata Filipowska, Monika Kaczmarek and Jakub Dzikowski participated in Insemtives project meeting, Folgaria, Italy, February 8-10. Insemtives is a 7FP collaborative project, coordinated by STI Innsbruck.
eKnow2012 conference
Szymon Łazaruk participated in the eKnow2012 conference (The Fourth International Conference on Information, Process, and Knowledge Management), that took place on January 30 – February 3, 2012 – Valencia, Spain. During the conference he presented paper “Taste It! Try It! – A Semantic Web Mobile Review Application” written by DIS members: Monika Kaczmarek, Agata Filipowska, Jakub Dzikowski, Szymon Łazaruk, and Witold Abramowicz.